My New Normal, Bowl…Bowl…Bowl

BowlingMy world is trying to return to normal as we near September.

For the last thirty years, this would be the time when the bowling leagues wrapped up their summer seasons and the meetings for the fall season held. Well, there was no summer season this year.

COVID struck in March. Governor Hogan shut down all non-essential businesses, one being bowling alleys. Several weeks ago, the Governor allowed businesses to reopen with restrictions. Customers must wear masks, and there are social distancing requirements. Several local bowling alleys opened by conforming with the limits.

The Lanes at Ft Meade was not one of these. The military was taking it slower, being more cautious. Finally, the call came that we could start reforming leagues.

Preparation to Return

As league secretaries, the first order of business was to learn how many of our previous bowlers felt comfortable bowling under the COVID-19 mandates. My wife and I found many wanted to wait until January when they hope we will have a cure, but there was a good number desiring to start in September. The final count for restarting now was enough to establish fall leagues, though much smaller than last year’s.

Meetings convened, and the result was everyone agreed to short seasons that would end in December. It allows new leagues to form in January to include those desiring to wait.

My wife’s  Monday Seniors League kicked off yesterday with twelve teams, down from the 36. My Tuesday Men’s League restarts on 8 September with six-three man teams. Last season we had eight-four man teams. Her Friday Early Birds League had a good representation returning. Enough to form nine-four person teams, and three teams from the Armed Force League joined to make twelve. It restarted on 28 August.

These leagues have several things in common. They finish in December, the bowlers all wear masks while in the bowling alley, only every other pair of lanes used, and I bowl in all of them.

My New Normal

Ynew normales, my usual has returned. Bowl Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Do league books on Wednesday. Thursday is a day of rest or, sometimes, a day to practice. Saturday and Sunday, think about not bowling.

So, what do you think of my normal? Please don’t be shy; let me know. I provide a form for your convenience.


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