Writing a short story and posting to my blog site is a good way to kill time while homebound. This is the one I wrote today. I hope you enjoy
Begin my short story
I sit at the table. The birthday cake with thirteen candles before me.
Another birthday. How many more will I see? My body begins to fail me. Grey laces my hair, and lines edge my eyes and mouth. New aches warn me of my mortality.
My wife lights the candles and the children watch me in expectation. She picks up the camera to document the day. The pictures go into the family album. They will share space with the pictures of the birthdays since we wed.
I lean forward. The youngest, eleven-year-old Steven, starts the Happy Birthday refrain first. My wife and the twins join quickly. My eyes tear as I wonder how many of these, my loves, will share my twentieth birthday. The song ends and I blow out the candles as the camera flashes.
Another birthday passes and four years to the next. It sucks being born on February 29th… so young, yet so old.
The End
I would enjoy your comments. Be safe during this time of crisis.
This is cute! I thought it was going to be a short story about your first born! ha!
Love you and miss you (and Mom, too!)
Nope, just a short story