My wife and I are homebound. We have been for three weeks, and it seems we will be for another month.
Homebound – Stay Home Order
The coronavirus has changed everything for us, my wife and I. Maryland’s governor has issued a new order requiring us to stay home. He allows us to walk, bicycle, and run, but no group gatherings. We can go to the doctor, the pharmacy, or for food. He threatened arrest and fines for those violating the mandate.
My wife and I spend most of our time at home anyway. We are “homebodies.” However, mandatory stay-at-home is different. Now, we experience cravings to go out, out to the mall, to furniture stores, or any store beside a grocery. Our relief is to take car rides to nowhere just to be out.
Bowling was our recreation. My wife is the secretary of two mixed bowling leagues, and I am the secretary of a men’s league. The restrictions brought with this virus has caused each of these leagues to end their seasons. The bowling center, as a non-essential business, is closed until further notice. The stay-at-home mandate would have kept us apart anyway.
About a year ago, I posted a blog called “Ever Feel the Need to Rant.” The blog allowed me to let off steam about speeding drivers and stop sign runners. I ranted about people throwing garbage in the wooded area and people not policing after their dogs.
There hasn’t been an increase in dog walkers, but I am noticing more dog leavings. People stopped policing after their dogs. It is disconcerting because my labs always locate the dropping. One mess was in the middle of the sidewalk. Ewww!!
Throwing liquor and beer bottles into the wooded area is still a problem, but has seen changes. I wonder if the person disposing of the containers is attempting to shatter them on the sidewalk or can’t throw past it. I have cleaned up two such messes in the past two weeks. One was a beer bottle; the second was a beer bottle and a liquor bottle. I wish the police could catch the culprit.
Should you be the person throwing the bottles, please stop. There are recycle bins in front of most homes along the street every Thursday you could put the containers in.
It is almost time to walk the dogs again. My wife and I are hunkered down, and doing well. We hope you stay well (and sane) during this trying time.
How are you doing? Share with the comment form.
God Bless!
Day 21 of being quarantined with my two children.
I have all new respect for SAHMs.
My wife and I have been homebound for four weeks now. Just shared dinner with my daughter and her family. They live next door. We shared by sending them the main course and they provided us dessert. We see them at a distance since we are keeping the six foot distance suggestion.