Naval Security Group (NSG) Detachment Potomac March 1989 – March 1992

Naval Security Group Command (NSGC) Detachment Potomac March 1989 – March 1992 I finally arrived home. I mentioned my “Freedom Flight” in another article. We left Adak on time and stopped briefly on Shimya Island before arriving in Anchorage — only to get stranded for a day because of storms …

Naval Security Group Activity, Fort Meade, Maryland September 1985 – September 1987

We are home. We are Lori, Dwane “DJ,” Tiffany “Tiff,” and me. Our home is 8107B Falconer Court on FT Meade. Sporting khakis and new collar insignia, and with great anxiety, I report to my work location in Airport Square 11. The plans for the two computer labs on the …

Storyworth – Naval Air Station, Pensacola August 1985 – September 1985

Lori and I arrived In Pensacola with the children so I could attend the Limited Duty Officer/Chief Warrant Officer (LDO/CWO) Academy. She and the children stayed with friends and family while I lived in the barracks assigned to course attendees. Later, they went to Corpus Christi to stay with her …

NAS Corpus Christi and Del Mar College

August 1972, and I checked in at the Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas, Quarterdeck. I would attend Del Mar College for an Associate Degree at the Navy’s expense, completing four semesters and a summer session of classes. My only military duties were attending classes and maintaining passing grades. I …

Story on Wattpad

It is time to review where I am with my writing. The status is I have two completed drafts. Completed does not mean ready for publishing, but I finished the storyline. Story titles and cast names are subject to change. I wrote Saving Delisanna first. The story takes place in …

School in Pensacola 1967-68

I was on an airplane, leaving my family home for the Naval Communications Training Center, Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida, to start a new chapter in my life. My orders were to the CP-771/UYK-3 school, whatever that was. I knew the prefix marked it as a computer, but no one could …

Storyworth—“What did you hide from your parents as a child?”

“What did you hide from your parents as a child?” I suspect there are many things I didn’t tell my parents or tried to hide at the time. The stairs Until I left after graduation, the house I lived in had a basement and attic (we called it upstairs.) There …

High School Chess Club—StoryWorth

Were you involved in any organizations in high school? Yes, I was a member and later an officer in the chess club. First Exposure My neighbor introduced me to chess while I was in elementary school. Mrs. Barber enjoyed the game, but she couldn’t find anyone willing to play in …

Happy Father’s Day—20 June 2021

Father’s Day, the celebration recognizing father’s originated in Spokane, Washington in 1910. A daughter asked her pastor to honor her father in a sermon in June. It did not catch on until the 1930s when different commercial entities recognized the opportunity to sell products targeted as gifts for fathers of …

Favorite Sports Team—StoryWorth

“What sports teams were you a fan of when a child?” Some people are fair-weather fans, changing based on which teams have good seasons. I am not one of them. Transistor Radio I received a radio for my ninth or tenth birthday. The radio was a six-transistor, small rectangular device …

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