Two years ago, I committed to writing 50,000 words in 30 days. This is the commitment NANOWRIMO asks of writers.

Kiliane’s Rage
I agreed to write Kiliane Rage during November. This would require me to write some 1,667 words a day average. I didn’t understand just what this would mean. When I took Thanksgiving off, it changed the workload to get back on schedule.
I successfully completed the challenge with over 50,000 words a day early.
The work was put aside for a week before going into edit mode. I probably should have waited longer because what I read almost destroyed December for me. I found I had several good scenes, but most were awful. There was duplicate material in several places and terrible description throughout.
I read through it twice before beginning the editing process with excising what was similar material from scenes. The result was the removal of several thousand words. Since I have gained back the lost words with better written scenes.
Last year, I agreed to the NANOWRIMO challenge. Again, I wrote a work that needs extensive editing. Now I have two interesting projects which allow me to alternate between them, and avoid becoming overly frustrated with either. When they are done, I will have a novel and a sequel.
No NANOWRIMO this year
This year, I am not taking the NANOWRIMO challenge. I considered it for a time since I have ideas for a sequel to the sequel. Why not get the sequel’s sequel written?
The reason is that I am a
This may disappoint the diehard NANOWRIMO adherents, but this is right for me.
Are you doing NANO this year? I would love to hear why you are or are not taking the challenge this year.
You can use the comment form for this or tell me anything of interest to you.