Pennsylvania Dutchman Bowling Tournament


Have your ever competed in a bowling tournament where you wished it had been one game less or one game more. The Dutchman was one where I wished for one less game.

The Dutchman is held in two different Pennsylvania locations. The singles-doubles competition is held in Palmyra at the aptly named Palmyra Bowl. The team event is held at Clearview Lanes, Mount Joy. Singles and Doubles are three game events while the team event is four games for a ten game tournament.

I bowled the singles and doubles on Saturday. Singles was first and I had a respectable 649 for three games. We changed lanes and I had a, still acceptable, 604. My entering average for the tournament is 198. I was over average for both events. I was happy with the day.

The team event was early Sunday. I started slowly and by the end of game three had worked up to a 606 total. If the tournament had ended then, I would have had a nice 1859 for 9 games, 209 average.


But the tournament didn’t end and my last game was a disaster. A missed spare, three splits and no doubles resulted in a 149 game for a 755 team event. I had 2008 for the event’s ten games. The 200 average was over my entering average but, just one more game, dropped it by 9 pins.

Many tournaments I have wished for more games to give me an opportunity to improve my score. This tournament I wished for one less game. Have your done either, wanted one less or one more?




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