Too early for New Year’s Resolutions

Too early for New Year’s Resolutions?

new year's resolutions

I sit thinking of the resolutions I made last year and wondered whether I kept them. The one I am sure I kept was a commitment to lose some weight. I think the reason I don’t remember the others is because I didn’t keep them.

Resolutions before Christmas?

resolutions before christmas

Some people might think it is too early to worry about such things when Christmas bells haven’t finished ringing. I usually wait until 1 January to make some. (I have been a procrastinator. Okay, I still am. Just check the date I signed up for NaNoWriMo!) The ritual for family and co-workers to ask about resolutions starts New Year’s Day. If I am not prepared for the onslaught, I will respond with the first thing that comes to mind. This invariably means I will spout some off-the-wall nonsense.

Three Resolutions


I need three resolutions that interest me and are within my ability to keep. The list should include keeping this blog active. Another should be finishing editing and putting out a draft novel to beta readers. Publishing one would be even better but I can’t see that happening with my commitments to full time job, coaching soccer, bowling league secretary, and keeping my wife’s honey-do list to an acceptable length. *Being divorced does not make the list!* Remember, resolutions should be able to be kept. I was trying to find another when I had a hah-ha moment. The third will be keeping the honey-do list an acceptable length. *I can blame my wife if I can’t keep it. She made it too long.*

It is settled. I have three resolutions which I can aspire to keeping. *The list may change by 1 January 2017.* What are your resolutions for the coming year? Share them in comments.





  1. There’s a lot of research out there that you shouldn’t make resolutions at the New Year. You won’t keep them. Making them earlier, thinking them through, makes them much more achievable. As does positive things, like I will exercise 5 times a week for 30 minutes rather than I’ll stop eating chocolate.

    I’d like DH’s resolution to be to keep the honey-do list at a reasonable length . . .

    Mine are:
    1. Have a fruit and vegetable at every meal. We’ve been slacking on this a little lately, and we really need to make sure we have one of each.
    2. Finish editing The Crowned Prince and make it as good as I can
    3. Query at least 20 agents with meaningful, individualized, queries.

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