
For an unknown reason, I am at a loss for something specific to write about. This doesn’t mean there are not a myriad of subjects flitting through my mind. It means nothing is sticking. Just musing… Musing, let see what is flitting at this moment. I just finished bowling in …

Support for the Writer

Ten passes may not be enough without other’s review. I am so close to it, I have trouble seeing improvements. I have read this is common and that any writer or author benefits from having a beta reader provide feedback. I haven’t encountered someone willing to devote the time to read the novel and give me their review.

Are You Writing NANOWRIMO?

Two years ago, I committed to writing 50,000 words in 30 days. This is the commitment NANOWRIMO asks of writers.

A Writing Milestone

Every week is becoming a writing milestone week in my writing career. Those who are unaware, I began my first novel less than three years ago. Since then, I completed two drafts with the first over 100k words. The second written during NaNoWriMo and is 50k. The novels need editing or …

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