NANOWRIMO success or not

30 November signaled the end of the National Novel Writing Month, better known as NANOWRIMO.


Writers of all genres and levels of experience took the challenge of writing fifty-thousand words in the thirty days of November.

Today, many of those writers are sitting before their computers or with pen in hand frantically writing in the effort to meet the challenge.


The NANOWRIMO website has a tool to count the words written and judge success. The writer copies the words written from the computer file and pastes into the word counter. When the count is at or above fifty-thousand words, a winner’s certificate becomes available for download.

The winner’s certificate notes the winner’s name and the title of his work.

I didn’t take the NANOWRIMO challenge this month. Instead, I created my own challenge to finish the fourth revision of the work I wrote during the 2016 challenge.

I can create a winner’s certificate for my challenge and issue it to me. The fourth revision was completed on 28 November.

In 2016, NANOWRIMO suggested I spend December finishing the novel and getting it ready for publishing. Needless to say, I didn’t.

Use the comment form to let me know if you receive such an email from NANOWRIMO. You can use it to let me know if you plan to work your novel until published. Or was this just an effort to win the challenge?  


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