The 2018 tryouts for Pipeline Soccer Club (PSC) teams will occur in May. The child will show their soccer skills with the desire to be selected for a team.
PSC’s tryouts permit players with varying skill levels to be evaluated. The goal of every coach is to build a team of players with similar skills. Then the coach can plan a training schedule to benefit all team players. A team with players with dissimilar skills complicates training plans and slows a team’s progress.
PSC’s Teams Tier Levels
PSC’s top teams participate in the strongest leagues and tournaments. The second level teams play at a lower level. The third level teams play a level down from the second team. All teams are expected to be successful at the level they compete.
Current PSC teams have a roster of players and are competing in leagues and tournaments this season. The coach of these teams continually evaluate the soccer skills of their players. Whether proficient or needing improvement, all current team members are encouraged to attend tryouts.
Pipeline Soccer Club Tryouts Process
At tryouts, coaches for the age group have the children perform several warm-up drills followed by technical drills and scrimmages. The children are encouraged to perform at their best in each exercise.
Following tryout, the coaches discuss the participants and identify those they will offer team slots. The parents can accept or reject extended offers.
The coach’s immediate task is nearly complete if the offer is accepted. If rejected, the coach looks to his alternates list. The process continues until the team is full or the list of alternates is exhausted.
Why would one reject an offer?
The coach may have offered a place on a team not meeting the parent or child’s expectations. Some parents expect their child to be selected to the top team and look elsewhere if the offer is to a lower level team.
Or the child receives an offer from another club. Many children attend tryouts for several clubs and will take, what the parent considers, the best offer.
Sometimes the child attends PSC tryouts; yet, the child decides to remain with friends on another club or school team.
Regarding the first reason, some parents have difficulty recognizing their child’s abilities compared to others in their age group. Their child may be the star of their recreation, school, or current club team but not be at the level of top players at PSC.
Perception that selection to a PSC second or third level team guarantees a player to receives less than quality training and not participate in challenging leagues and tournaments. This perception is false. All PSC teams receive quality training, participate in leagues and tournaments to challenge their abilities.
If your child attended a tryout and not selected to the top team, what would you do? Tell me in the comments.
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