No excuse not to write.
Every writer who has written a blog or book on writing invariably notes that a writer knows he or she is a writer by their burning need to write. Anything else is unacceptable. But there are valid excuses for not writing.
Today is the first day, since last Wednesday, that I have opened my computer. My writing in the past days has been liking Facebook posts or a quick tweet. I have not written a word on my project, hardly checked email or considered writing a post.
We left Maryland on Thursday and drove until evening in our new recreational vehicle. Not having driven a 30-foot home on wheels, we found ourselves relieved to park it and seek out the queen-size bed. First though, food cooked by my long-suffering wife was a welcome treat.
Plans change things
My wife and I woke early Friday. On the road again. We changed our trip plan to stop and visit family. To our surprise, they had moved and were no longer along our planned route. We enjoyed the visit and have picture to remember the visit. When we left them, we took what we thought was a shortcut to our planned stopping point for the night. The shortcut turned out to be rough two lane roads, one lane each direction, through backwoods Mississippi. The grandkids, my wife and I were getting short-tempered by the time we reached Baton Rouge. I was in no mood to look at my project and barely found energy to check Facebook and Twitter. Email was a quick scan for important messages. Food was of the quick and easy variety. *Nothing like throwing food on the built-in stove, relaxing on the couch and watching TV. It would have been better if my wife and I had been the ones on the couch!*
Saturday was a snap. We reached our objective late afternoon. Now, who has the nerve to break out the computer when sitting with family one hasn’t seen in twelve months? Not I! A few moments on Facebook, Twitter, and email before flopping in the RV’s bed finished the day.
Family first
Tonight, following a day of visiting with family and more family, I found time to get my genealogy account reactivated and write this post.
Sometimes events conspire to shove the muse into the background. Life has its curves and one must adjust to them. Although, I want to complete my project, I know there is more to living than sitting in front of a computer.
How many will remain
Life is short as we know. It has taken family members from us since we were here last year. While here, we will enjoy the time with everyone we can. I may write but it will be second to sharing time and life with those we love.
Is writing more important to you than extended family? Have you written when you could have visited and later learned there would never be another conversation with that person? Tell me about it.
[bctt tweet=”There are valid excuses for not writing. #amwriting #mywana #ontheporch #rving” username=”dwaneknott”]
I am sort of at the point of just saying too bad, so sad. i’ll write when I can.
Do I want to be a full time writer? Maybe. Okay, yes. But this whole having a full time job gig, on top of being a wife and mother means I’m burning the candle at both ends.
You can only do that for so long.
And, after a point, you get tired of the sacrifice for no payback.
Your writing career is starting at a difficult time. You have to work, you noted once, and have a home and two children. At least one is requiring additional time to get to dance or evening events. Not sure what events. Not many hours free to write.
I want to be published but you probably note I have changed my focus. My writing comes as time permits. I coach soccer (summer off, start again in August), work full-time and follow my grandkids lacrosse, soccer and field hockey games as often as possible. Writing is for when I am not bowling or doing one of the other things. Least I forget, I have a long-suffering wife who rates cycles also.
I have two book projects which I have put on a shelf temporarily. I cut a scene from the second project which I think might make for a short story I could get published. I am working it as time allows. Haven’t given up on getting books published, just haven’t the time right now for what is needed to accomplish it. Compromising with myself.
I hope you don’t give up your dream. It just may take longer to get there. Got a short story that might catch the eye and get your name before a publisher? I will submit mine to fantasy magazines, print, and epub types when I get it ready. How long? Not sure since life seems to get in my way often!
Write when life lets you.
BTW, I enjoy your down-to-earth posts. Don’t always comment but I read them. Cut down the flame on one end of the candle and let your batteries recharge as you enjoy family.
Several authors have taken time for their work to become recognized. On the other hand, some have gone the self-publishing route because major houses wouldn’t take them. An option better than quitting!
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