Home again!

It is good to be home. The time in Las Vegas was a nice vacation but there is no place like home (cliché).

time to go home

I finished the competition Thursday morning and said goodbye to friends. There were many ‘see you next year’ said and heard. We had received a warning when we checked in with Southwest on Wednesday that our flight might be delayed. Delayed because of weather further west. Three snow storms were expected for the area around Vegas. As it turned out, our flight arrived on time and we had a smooth flight home. There were only a couple of bumps which is usual for this time of year.

We landed at BWI at midnight and got home an hour later. There is a special feeling returning to a place that you have lived for nearly 25 years. A feeling of serenity in the familiarity such a place provides. The house where our two children spent their high school years and lived between college semesters (sometimes). Yes, it was nice to be home.

This is the house we have lived in through the Clinton years, the G. W. Bush years, and the Obama years. We will see if we remain here through the Trump years. We hadn’t planned to be back for the inauguration. Normally, we fly the day after the team competition. This year I finished team event at 11 am which allowed us to arrange a late day flight. As mentioned, we landed as the clock expired on the last full day of the Obama presidency and Trump’s first day.

We are home and gradually getting back into our routine. A trip to the commissary to restock perishables on Friday and soccer games on Saturday. Wrap up the weekend with football while sitting in my recliner. Tomorrow, back to work but today is lazy Sunday in our warm, cozy home.

How are you spending your Sunday? In your cozy home or away?



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