NaNoWriMo – Day 5
The total for NaNoWriMo – Day 5 is 1706. The total for the five days is 10.1k plus.
I scheduled early mornings on weekends for writing. I couldn’t keep the schedule today. A contractor friend came to finish the bathroom remodel. I worked with him, mostly he worked and I talked with him. The work was completed mid afternoon. We arranged to have dinner together. I managed an hour and 700 words. before leaving for dinner.
Dinner was great. Family, friends and good food make for a good time. Stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey, I sat down to write again. I worked through another 1006 words to get to my desired 1700+ daily goal.
The Muse
I learned a couple of things today. I sat several minutes before I found the muse the first writing session. The muse had hid the next scene from me and I hadn’t left breadcrumbs to follow. The second was how valuable time for writing is. It has to be taken when and where it can be found. I took 50 minutes before dinner and gave up some sleep hours to ensure I finished the sprint for NaNoWriMo and announced the Day 5 totals.
5 days effort and I am 0ver 20% there. My outline has me at the first plot point (FPP). A good place but I am early in word count. The journey to get there has been convoluted. I haven’t written enough description for persons or locations. I recognized it when I found myself at the FPP and 10k into the novel. I reread several random pages and found plenty of dialogue with go here, go there. The wasn’t enough of the five senses, seeing, touching, tasting, smelling or hearing. I have been concentrating on plot without enough on character arc or involving the reader in my story world. Recognition of a problem that will need addressing in the rewrite. I will address adding description as I write the next 40k.
Tomorrow, I will move through the FPP and toward the first pinch point. I am mentioned the outline kit in I will provide another update in a future blog as I try for the magic 50k words in 30 days.
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo2016? How are you progressing? Share using the comment form. I would love to hear from you.